Lendela have been connecting Scandinavian consumers with the best credit providers for over 15 years. 在成功扩张到南美和西班牙之后, 他们有开拓新乐博彩票官方app的商业理由. 东南亚很快被确定为热点地区. While still growing with boundless potential and a positive culture for doing business, Lendela saw a gap in the market.

The challenge for Lendela was to identify and gain access to the right partners in the markets that would present the best growth opportunities. 与乐博彩票官方app商务部门的合作提供了最初的见解,并从那里发展起来.


Reaching out from Sweden as a virtual nobody meant it was impossible to access banks and lenders. Connecting through Business Sweden’s network gave us credibility and opened doors. 尼玛·卡里米,Lendela首席运营官兼联合创始人

Understanding that Southeast Asia is many different markets in one vast region is critical. 监管通常是相似的,但有许多不同的文化, religions, 需要考虑的语言和细微差别.

“来自乐博彩票官方app商业的见解帮助我们确定了泰国, Singapore, 马来西亚和香港是我们起步的最佳乐博彩票官方app. The research and market insights provided helped us to enter the market in a focussed and fast way, 这对我们的进入和迅速取得成功至关重要。”, said Nima Karimi.

对初创企业来说,建立本地融资可能会改变游戏规则. 尼玛·卡里米解释说:“虽然一开始工作量更大, 拥有本地风险资本的好处不容小觑. 商务乐博彩票官方app与当地的联系是我们成功建立的基础, 把我们和合适的乐博彩票官方app上合适的人联系起来.”


Lendela自2018年7月推出以来迅速取得了成功. 尼玛·卡里米解释说:“总的来说,东南亚乐博彩票官方app是成熟的, but the process for comparing, applying for and getting a loan is still cumbersome and inaccessible with a heavy reliance on paperwork. We wanted to change that.“他们现在已经帮助了数千名以前得不到服务的人, 支付过高或没有银行账户的客户可以找到合适的个人贷款. They work with more than ten financial lending partners and strategic partners in the marketplace, 这让他们能够接触到该地区数百万的用户.

通过迅速在乐博彩票官方app中建立地位, Lendela have been able to leverage recent regulatory changes which are opening up opportunities for innovative lenders. 这与多年前在乐博彩票官方app看到的趋势是一致的.

Nima Karimi concluded: “Reaching out from Sweden as a virtual nobody meant it was impossible to access banks and lenders. Connecting through Business Sweden’s network gave us credibility and opened doors. 这些会议对我们的成功创业起到了重要作用.”



Lendela wanted to establish a presence in the Southeast Asia and introduce their innovative and streamlined approach to personal loans. However, 他们对乐博彩票官方app潜力缺乏详细的了解, how to establish local connections and fully utilise venture capital and networking opportunities.


Lendela leveraged Business Sweden’s credibility and networking expertise to identify the strongest markets for initial launch, 获得当地资金并扩大他们的联系.


After securing local funding and swiftly entering the four strongest growth markets, Lendela have built up partner relationships with more than ten lenders and reached thousands of customers.


Lendela started out in Sweden over 15 years ago and quickly grew across Scandinavia, connecting individuals with the right personal loan options through a simplified digital application process.

Today, they have a growing global presence with operations in South America and Southeast Asia. They partner with leading banks and lenders and have helped nearly two million customers worldwide to access suitable personal loans.


Lendela正在寻求将其品牌嵌入该地区并扩展到越南, 菲律宾和印度尼西亚在未来6到12个月内. They have successfully introduced the Swedish broker model into previously traditional and cumbersome financial sectors.